New information is inserted at the end. Beta V0.25 ---------- Corrected problem introduced in 0.25 where many OS2 programs could not drop DTR. Beta V0.26 ---------- If a set DCB IOCTL is issued, and if pending reads/writes exist, the suspended threads are restarted. Previous versions always placed port addresses in BIOS memory at 40:0 (DOS sessions) for both COM1 and COM2. The port addresses starting at 40:0 are no longer filled in for COM1 and COM2 if SIO did not detect a port there or if the mouse is using the port. I believe the problem of DOS sessions being put to sleep has been solved. V0.30 works well on my system with default DOS settings and default CONFIG.SYS entries as follows: In the DOS settings IDLE_SECONDS = 0 IDLE_SENSITIVITY = 75 In CONFIG.SYS MAXWAIT=3 PRIORITY_DISK_IO=YES Note that I said these default settings work well with V0.30 ON MY SYSTEM. The above settings may have to be changed on your system. Beta V0.30 ---------- An error has been corrected in the code for DOS sessions dealing with the comm port addresses at 40:0. Beta V0.31 ---------- Beta V0.31 ---------- Bit 6 of the virtual Line Status Register (LSR) was stuck on. This has been corrected and it probably caused some DOS programs problems. After two days of testing why incorrect "COMn already in use" errors were occurring in DOS sessions, I traced the problem to the Novell Lan Drivers that I am using. It seems that the Novell OS2 requester drivers are using memory that is not allocated to them. I have worked around this problem successfully by making the Novell drivers the last thing in CONFIG.SYS. Corrected a problem in the handling of DSR. Corrected a problem that caused erroneous "COMn already in use" in OS2 sessions. Added OSDR and IDSR modes or operation. If SIO/VSIO seems not to transmit anything, where previous versions transmitted okay, then set your modem to force DSR ON or, set ODSR OFF with the MODE command. If SIO/VSIO seems not to receive anything, where previous versions received okay, then set your modem to force DSR ON or, set IDSR OFF using the MODE command. Support added for forcing 16550A chip type. (COM1,3F8,IRQ4,,F) Corrected a serious problem with multiple comm ports sharing the same IRQ. Beta V0.34 ---------- Corrected a problem in the Virtual Line Status Register (LSR). This problem showed up in DOS sessions as a very slow transmit at speeds below 9600 baud. Corrected a problem in the Virtual Interrupt Enable register. Corrected errors in the implementation of DTR enable/disable mode. Corrected and error that may have caused problems at shutdown. An apparent OS2 problem of "LOCKED" memory erroneously being moved has been worked around. This could cause many problems. Most often, erroneous "port already in use messages" and just plain crashes. Beta V0.40 Beta V0.40 ---------- Corrected a problem of crosstalk from COM3 to COM2. Changed the method of memory allocation. On my system, I no longer have to load SIO.SYS after the Novell drivers. Corrected a problem in cleanup when an open of a comm port failed. This problem showed up as a dead port once a "port already in use" was issued. The correction of this error should allow SIO and PMfax to get along better. Beta V0.43 ---------- Corrected a problem in Device Close operations. This problem prevented serial printers, and modem commands from batch files from working. This problem could show itself in many other ways. Additional corrections to clean up after a "port already in use" occurs. Again, SIO and PMfax should get along better. Added PROBLEM.TXT to the distribution file. Beta V0.45 ---------- Beta V0.45 The method of issuing an EOI to the interrupt controller has been changed. SIO will now share an IRQ with another device driver (if allowed by OS/2). SIO will now automatically locate the IRQ that a comm port is attached to. The IRQ used by SIO for a given comm port is assigned in the following manner: 1 - If an IRQ is specified in the SIO command line then that IRQ is used. However, SIO will display a warning message if the IRQ seems to be other than specified. 2 - If no IRQ is specified in the command line, and if SIO detected the IRQ then the detected IRQ is used. 3 - If no IRQ is specified in the command, and if SIO could NOT detect an IRQ then the default IRQ for the comm port is used. SIO will also display a warning message in this case. The automatic detection of the IRQ has worked correctly on all systems on which it has been tested. However it would be wise to check that the displayed IRQ(s) is/are the correct IRQ(s) the first time that SIO V0.50 is used. The following STYLE command line is recommended for all but the most unusual systems. That is, specify only the port number for those above COM2 (to tell SIO to support those ports) and let SIO do the rest. DEVICE=SIO.SYS (COM3) (COM4) If you do not have a COM3 or COM4, or if the mouse is using the only comm port above COM2 then the following command line should be used. DEVICE=SIO.SYS Beta V0.50 ---------- A bug was introduced in 0.50 which allowed SIO to always touch COM3 and COM4. This problem showed up as a blanked display at boot time. This problem has been corrected. A serious problem was corrected in maintenance of the Com Status word. This caused an incorrect error condition to be returned in several IOCTL functions. This bug has, no doubt, caused some application programs to be unstable. Code required for the OS2 V2.1 beta of March 1993 has been added. This required code affects only DOS and Windows comm programs. Beta V0.57 ---------- INT 14h is now virtualized by SIO/VSIO. VX00.SYS is now included in the distribution file. It provides FOSSIL support for DOS programs. FOSSIL aware DOS comm programs should now work as well as native OS2 comm programs. VX00.SYS is a DOS device driver with no command line parameters. It should be installed in the DOS_DEVICE DOS setting or in the OS2 CONFIG.SYS. If installed via the OS2 CONFIG.SYS, VX00.SYS will be loaded in all DOS VDMs. If installed via the DOS_DEVICE, VX00.SYS will only be loaded for that VDM. Do not try to use XU.EXE with VX00.SYS, it will not work! Code has been added for the March, 1993 beta of OS2. SIO should now work with VMBs with the March beta. Additionally, this code allows Windows programs to access and to release comm ports while Windows is still active. I made changes to the UART virtualization that MAY fix the problem of very slow transmit that a few users have had. Beta V0.60 ---------- Beta V0.60 ---------- I finally figured out the net effect of loading COMDD.SYS. That effect is now taken care of by SIO/VSIO. Those that found it necessary to load COMDD.SYS should find that it is no longer necessary to load COMDD.SYS. VSIO no longer issues an open of the comm port via the operating system. An internal (to SIO/VSIO) open is used when a DOS session accesses/uses a comm port. VMBs hogging all the ports has now been corrected for all OS2 versions (above 2.0). A new DOS Setting has been added, SIO_Virtual_RTS_is_HS. This setting defaults to on. When on, VSIO treats RTS from a DOS session as a handshaking signal. When off, the RTS setting is passed directly to the hardware. This setting MUST be on for all high speed DOS comm applications! The only case, known to the author, where this signal may (should) be turned off is half duplex DOS comm applications which are very rare. Added the UART's loopback mode to the virtualization. Beta 0.64 --------- Beta 0.64 --------- Virtual IRQs can now be mapped. This will be an undocumented feature. The reason the feature is undocumented is because one can get into a lot of trouble using it. I do not want to figure out the IRQ setup for everyone that tries to use it. This may well be the only place that you see me documenting the IRQ mapping feature. If you think you find a bug with this feature, let me know. Otherwise, you will have to work out the problems yourself. The only case (known to me) where one would want to map the virtual IRQ is: The real IRQ is in the upper 8 (say 10) and a DOS program (like ProComm) only supports the lower 8 IRQs. By mapping IRQ10 to IRQ3, ProComm will then work. NOTE THAT THE MAPPED (VIRTUAL) IRQ MUST BE UNUSED OR CONTROLLED BY VSIO. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL GET A "PORT ALREADY IN USE" ERROR. If you must map an IRQ, your best bet is to map to IRQ3 or IRQ4 which are comm port IRQs. Examples of the mapping follow: DEVICE=SIO.SYS (COM3,,IRQ10:IRQ3) Above, the real IRQ is 10, but it is to be reflected to DOS VDMs on IRQ3. The DOS program must be configured to use IRQ3. DEVICE=SIO.SYS (COM1,,:IRQ3) The real IRQ is automatically detected, but is reflected to DOS on IRQ3. DEVICE=SIO.SYS (COM2,,10:3) Same as the first example with respect to IRQs DEVICE=SIO.SYS (COM4,,:3) Same as the second example with respect to IRQs. Beta 0.70 ---------